FurnancePrices.ca Voice of the Future Scholarship

$1,000 for Your Education. A Voice for Your Generation.

At FurnacePrices.ca, we believe in the power of young voices to shape our world. Our scholarship isn’t just about financial support; it’s about giving you a platform to share your insights, concerns, and visions for the future.

Your Challenge. Your Voice. Your Impact.
We’re offering a $1,000 scholarship to students who are ready to stand up and speak out on the issues that matter most to them. Whether it’s climate change, mental health, educational equity, or any other challenge facing your generation, we want to hear from you.

How to Apply

  • Record Your Video: Create a short video (1-3 minutes) where you discuss one of the major issues facing young people today. Tell us what you think needs to be done to address it. Be creative, be honest, and be yourself.
  • You must mention in the video that it is for the FurnacePrices.ca scholarship.
  • Submit Your Application: Upload your video to a video-sharing platform (YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, etc.) and fill out the application form on our website. You’ll need to include your contact information, a link to your video, and a brief description of the issue you’re discussing.
  • Share Your Vision: Post your video on social media with the hashtag #FPVoiceoftheFuture and tag us @furnaceprices.ca. Let’s get the conversation started and show the world the power of your ideas.
  • Fill out the form below: After you’ve posted and shared your video, fill out the form below with your contact details and a link to your video & posts. This is so we can be sure we don’t miss any applications and are able to reach the winner.
  • We may share and repost the best ones.


  • You must be a current high school senior, college student, or graduate student.
  • You must be enrolled or applying to/accepted at an accredited college or university within Canada for the upcoming academic year.
  • We welcome applications from students of all majors and areas of study.

Selection Criteria

  • Creativity and Originality: How well does your video present the issue in a unique and engaging way?
  • Clarity and Coherence: How clearly and logically do you present your ideas?
  • Impact and Persuasiveness: How effectively do you persuade your audience about the importance of the issue and the need for action?

Please visit the website for complete details.
