The B. Harper Bull Scholarship

Are you a post-secondary student pursuing a future career in the environmental or cultural heritage sectors? The B. Harper Bull Scholarship Awards are here to support you.

Three scholarships are available at $2,000 each.

To qualify, students must:

  • Be enrolled in a post-secondary degree or diploma program during the 2024-2025 academic year
  • Be completing post-secondary studies in a field that relates broadly to the work of Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA). Examples of eligible programs include: Environmental Studies, Landscape Architecture, Archaeology, Museum Studies, Forestry, and Civil Engineering
  • Reside in or attend a post-secondary institution with TRCA’s jurisdiction
    *Students who are currently employed by TRCA or who are immediate family members or relatives of TRCA employees, TRCA board members or Toronto and Region Conservation Foundation board members are not eligible to apply to this awards fund.

Application Requirements

  • Scholarship application form (found on the website)
  • One 500-word essay outlining how the applicant demonstrates the values of conservation and sustainability that allow communities to coexist with their natural environment.

Submission Deadline

  • Sunday, October 6, 2024
  • Award winners will be notified late October or early November.

Please visit the website for application and complete details.
